Gorilla Tag APK

Download Gorilla Tag APK

After installing Gorilla Tag APK, you can enjoy the game in your hand device.

How To Download Gorilla Tag APK on Android

We provide XAPK files to install on your Android phone which are a little different from the APK files. Please follow our step-by-step guide.

  • Download the Gorilla Tag XAPK file.
  • Find the XAPK file on your Android phone file manager.
  • Rename the file extension from XAPK to ZIP.
  • Long press on this file to unzip it.
  • Open the folder to find and copy the OBB file.
  • Paste this folder to Internal Storage > Android > OBB.
  • Go to extracted folder and find APK file.
  • Click on it to start installing.

How To Download Gorilla Tag APK on PC/Laptop

If you want to enjoy this great game on your PC, you can download Gorilla Tag apk on your PC/Laptop but in different ways. Follow the instructions.

  • Download and install any Android emulator and open it.
  • Download the XAPK file on your computer with the Android emulator.
  • Rename the downloaded XAPK file’s extension from .xapk to .zip.
  • Extract the contents of the ZIP file. This will create a folder.
  • Inside the extracted folder, you should find an APK file and a folder containing the OBB data.
  • Open a file manager app inside the emulator. Navigate to the location on your computer where you extracted the files.
  • Find the APK file and click on it inside the emulator to install it.
  • Using the file manager inside the emulator, copy the entire OBB folder (e.g., com.example.appname) and paste it into the emulator’s internal storage directory.

How To Download Gorilla Tag APK on iPhone/iOS

If you are an iPhone or iOS device user, you can download and install Gorilla Tag APK on your iPhone/iOS device using the same methods as PC/Laptop, still follow the instructions.

  • Download and install any Android emulator in your iPhone/iOS device and open it.
  • Download the XAPK file on your iPhone with the Android emulator.
  • Rename the downloaded XAPK file’s extension from .xapk to .zip.
  • Extract the contents of the ZIP file. This will create a folder.
  • Inside the extracted folder, you should find an APK file and a folder containing the OBB data.
  • Open a file manager app inside the emulator. Navigate to the location on your iOS where you extracted the files.
  • Find the APK file and click on it inside the emulator to install it.
  • Using the file manager inside the emulator, copy the entire OBB folder (e.g., com.example.appname) and paste it into the emulator’s internal storage directory.

If you have questions or queries regarding Gorilla Tag VR game get more details on blog page or Gorilla Tag Mods page!